The Enlighten system is an industry-leading platform for tattoo removal. It is the first system on the market to feature both nanosecond and picosecond pulse durations and the ideal blend of parameters – the correct wavelengths, the correct spot sizes, and the correct energy levels – to effectively address unwanted pigment and ink.
Amazing ink clearance after just 4 treatments with the Enlighten laser
The middle photo is 9 treatments with a Q-Switch laser. The photo on the right shows the ink clearance on the same tattoo after 3 subsequent treatments with the Enlighten laser
After only two treatments with Enlighten laser, the shading on this tattoo is completely cleared!
The middle photo demonstrates that even after 4 treatments with a Picosure laser machine, ink clearance is minimal. The third photo shows the tattoo after only one subsequent treatment with the Enlighten
After 2 treatments using Enlighten
The left side of this tattoo was treated 3 times with the Enlighten vs the section on the right after three treatments with a Q-Switch laser